About The Special Delivery Co.
Hi, I'm Charlotte and I founded The Special Delivery Company in 1987. I had a vision of helping women discover and experience the joy of pregnancy, birth and motherhood. God made our bodies to carry, birth and nurse our little one. I enjoy helping women transition into their season of mothering, helping them experience a pregnancy and birth which strengthens and impacts their lives.
At The Special Delivery Co. you'll receive prenatal checkups, support and we offer testing and procedures as needed. We talk about and explain all options in your care and make a plan together. At every appointment, we'll have time to talk about your questions and concerns.
About Charlotte
To see a mother's face beaming as she exclaims "I did it!" is sheer delight. I desire to help every family have a birth experience the way they want it.
Charlotte with Natalie
I knew I wanted to be a midwife at the birth of my second child. I had birthed my first son [naturally] in the hospital and had about as good experience as you can have there; but then a friend told me that she had delivered her fourth baby at home. At first I wondered how she had done that—but then I found a midwife. When my second son, Evan, was born at home, the difference was life-changing. Just having the emotional space to love and be intimate in my own atmosphere, and being cared for by my midwife whom I knew instead of nurses I had never seen before, released a freedom of intimacy that can't be created in the hospital setting.
When I looked at the scientific facts, I found that out-of-hospital maternity care is actually safer than hospital birth for low-risk women who are attended by a knowledgeable care provider. I wanted to spread the news! Burning with a passion to help women, I became a childbirth educator and began labor coaching. The more I helped pregnant and birthing women, the more I knew I wanted to be a midwife. I prayed about it and all the doors miraculously flew open. At 23, I graduated from Seattle Midwifery School and began my life as a midwife. I love helping women and families have their babies.
I have eleven children: nine, I birthed, and two I got for free. I have the most amazing husband who is so supportive. My children are such a blessing and delight. Gene, Evan, Wesley, Arthur, Abraham, Jerry, Leah, Natalie (in Heaven,) Sophia, Crosby, and Jedidiah, have brought a wealth of experience in my own births and life.
I have been invited into such a precious time of life for so many people—a moment as intimate as your wedding night. To see families light up when their precious baby comes into the world never gets old. To see a mother's face beaming as she exclaims "I did it!" is sheer delight. I desire to help every family have a birth experience the way they want it.
Our Team
My name is Eileen Robinson and I am excited to have joined The Special Delivery Company! I am an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) with a background of 29 years as an RN, working on the labor and delivery ward of a hospital.
I must say that joining an out of hospital birth practice is not only exciting but refreshing after almost 30 years in the hospital! I’ve fallen in love with the care and for everyone to get to know each other before their birth.
I am amazed at the patient population The Special Delivery Company serves! Women who birth with this group seem to have a peace about them during their labor and delivery. I am sure that at least part of that is due to the fact that each delivery is attended by two midwives that the mother knows, and mothers are surrounded by two midwives that she knows, and mothers are surrounded by family and friends who love them.
They are in their own environment and in a space where they feel safe and secure. What a privilege it is to be allowed to attend one of the most personal, life changing, and important events in a family’s life! It is such an honor to be present as couples begin, and add to their families.
Besides maternity care, my ARNP and CNM licensing allows me to provide the following clinical services:
Prescription writing without needing to be referred to another provider
Non Stress Tests (NSTs) if needed in pregnancy can be done at the clinic
Women’s Health and Primary Care for women including, but not limited to, the following:
Annual Women’s Health Exams
Physical Exams - physicals required for work, sports etc. (females)
Pap Smears
Infection testing and treatment. (If diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection, I can treat the male partner also; otherwise only female testing available)
Diagnosis and treatment of common health problems
Health maintenance screening referrals such as mammograms, bone density, etc.
As an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwife, I am licensed to provide care to women through the lifespan from onset of menarche through menopause. As a CNM I am honored to be part of this amazing, well-loved, and respected midwifery group!
Married to my husband and best friend Ken since 1982
Mother of 4 grown children, grandmother of 6, & great-grandmother of 5! (yes, I’m too young for that!)
My parents are living and celebrating their 64th Anniversary in March.
Hobbies & interests include:
Crochet - Yes, I am a yarn addict!
Our 2 dogs (who are really our small, hairy children!)
I look forward to meeting you!
- M. Eileen Robinson, MSN, ADN, RNC, ARNP, CNM
Emily Spores, LM, CPM
I am truly blessed to be a part of the team at The Special Delivery Co for over two years. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest so it is special to serve the women and families in this community.
My midwifery journey began when I learned about the maternal and infant mortality crisis that is facing the developing world, with a burden for women and families, I jumped in and responded to the call. In 2015 I had the opportunity to volunteer at a charity birth center for over two years in the Philippines while I studied midwifery through the National College of Midwifery and Newlife International School of Midwifery. Through this experience I developed a passion for serving women and families through the childbearing years. It is an amazing opportunity to be a part of families’ lives during such an intense, beautiful, and intimate time. I believe midwifery is a tool to serve and bless those around me and I am so privileged to have the opportunity help women through pregnancy and birth.
I believe educating people on reproductive health is so important which has taken me to different communities and around the world.
In my free time I love to travel - experiencing and learning about other cultures and places is very exciting. Also being from the PNW, I of course, really enjoy spending time in the great outdoors.