Home Birth
Home Births: Benefits and Tips
For centuries giving birth at home was the norm. By the 1900s increasing numbers of women started having their babies at hospitals. However, as our understanding of anatomy, modern medicine, the mechanics of childbirth, and technology have significantly increased, more women have been willing to consider the option of having a home birth.
This option involves the participation of trained midwives or nurse-midwives in cases of low-risk, healthy pregnancies. As interest in home birth increases, the number of studies will continue to grow to provide us with a greater understanding of the related risks and benefits.
The following information is designed to help women make an informed decision:
Could a home birth be right for me?
Home birth may be an option for you if:
You are having a healthy, low-risk pregnancy
You want to avoid an episiotomy, cesarean section, epidural and other similar interventions
You want to share the experience with family and friends
You want to be free to move around, change positions, take a shower, and eat or drink freely during labor
You want to enjoy the comforts of your home and familiar surroundings
Home birth may be significantly easier on your bank account. An average uncomplicated vaginal birth costs about 60% less in a home than in a hospital.
Home birth provides immediate bonding and breastfeeding. Early breastfeeding helps the mother stop bleeding, clears mucus from the baby’s nose and mouth, and transfers disease-fighting antibodies in the milk from mother to baby.
Home birth allows you to be surrounded by those you love. By including children, family, and friends in the birth process, you are provided with many helpers, and everyone involved has the opportunity for intimate and close bonding.